Institute Affairs Policies

Facilities Management: Key Numbering, Issuance Procedure and Keys Off of the Grand Master

Each time a lock is changed new keys will be numbered and issued and the following procedures will apply:

I. Key Numbers
All keys will be given a code number identifying the area to which the key will gain access. In addition, each key will be serially numbered so that it may be identified.

II. Issuance Procedures

A. Students

1. Issuance: Keys and electronic lock cards (stripe on ID card) to be issued to students will be ordered on a work order which must be approved by the dean or his/her delegate. The work order must be accompanied by a list of the students to whom the keys/card stripe will be issued. After the keys/card stripes are prepared, each key/card stripe will be put in an envelope with the student's name together with a receipt. The student pays a $15.00 deposit at the cashier's counter and takes the receipt to Facilities Management. After the student's ID card and cash receipt are verified, he/she is issued the key/card stripe and signs a receipt. The key/card stripe receipt is then filed alphabetically. Students to be issued an electronic stripe strip must bring their student ID card to Facilities Management.

2. Lost Keys/Cards:
If a student loses an ID card a new ID card is issued by the Registrar's Office. There is a $3.00 charge for a replacement card. If the ID card had an electronic lock stripe, or in the event of a lost key, the student must request another from the dean or his/her delegate. A work order will be processed and the same procedure will be followed. The key/card stripe will not be assigned the same sequence number as the old key/card stripe but will be assigned the next number in the sequence. The student will pay an additional $15.00 deposit and take the receipt to Facilities Management for key/card stripe issuance.

3. Return of Keys:
When a student desires to return a key, it is returned to the Facilities Management office. The student identifies himself/herself as the proper holder of the key and is given a petty cash voucher for $15.00. This is taken to the cashier's counter where the students receives and signs for the cash.

4. Electronic Card Stripes:
Anytime a student is to be removed from access to a room via an electronic lock, the school/department requesting the removal shall send a memo to Facilities Management stating the student's name and room number. The removal is done by deleting the access through the locksmith's computer.

At the end of each school year schools should delete any students who are no longer allowed to access areas due to graduation, leaving school or for other reasons. This list of deletions is to be sent to Facilities Management.

B. Faculty, Staff and Teaching Assistants Associated with Artistic/Academic Areas

1. Issuance:
Keys/card stripes to be issued to faculty, staff or teaching assistants will be ordered by a work order which must be approved by the dean or department head. The work order must cite the name of those to whom keys/card stripes will be issued. After the keys/card stripes are prepared, Facilities Management will issue them to the faculty, staff member or teaching assistant after the CalArts ID card is verified. No deposit is required. However, at the time the key is issued, the faculty, staff member or teaching assistant will be requested to sign the usual receipt acknowledging delivery of the key/card strips. .

2. Lost Keys/Card Stripes:
Same as original key issuance, except work orders should cite the loss of original key/card stripe and the record should be annotated "lost key/card stripe." The employee will be charged $15.00 for the replacement key/card stripe. The $15.00 will be refunded if the original key/card stripe is found and returned by the person to whom it was originally assigned. If anyone else returns it, there is no refund made.

3. Return of Keys/Card Stripes:
When the key/card stripe is no longer needed, the holder turns it into the Facilities Management Office.

4. Electronic Card Stripe:
Anytime a faculty or staff member or a teaching assistant is to be removed from access to a room via an electronic lock, the school/department requesting the removal shall send a memo to Facilities Management stating that the name of the faculty or staff member or teaching assistant and the room number. The removal is done by deleting the access through the locksmith's computer.

At the end of each academic year, schools should delete any faculty, staff or teaching assistant who will no longer be allowed access due to termination or other reasons. This list of deletions is to be sent to Facilities Management.

C. Staff Personnel Other than Artistic/Academic Areas
Same as Section B above except the administrative officers will approve the work order.

III. Applicability:
The above procedures pertain to all keys/card stripes issued with the new key numbers as authorized in section I above.

IV. Keys Off the Grand Master
Occasionally, Facilities Management receives requests to rekey a lock and remove it from the grand master. This can create difficulties, even though duplicate keys are maintained in Facilities Management, it is time consuming to look up the correct key in cases of emergency such as a fire, broken pipes, et al. In addition, people who have legitimate needs for access find it difficult, if not impossible, to gain access during non-work hours.

It is possible to have a key and lock off the school or department submaster but on the Institute grand master, if that is desired.

Exceptions to this policy may only be made by the Vice President for Administration or his/her delegated representative.

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