COVID-19 Community Respect Policy

We ask that all members of our CalArts community support and respect one another’s masking choices. Vaccinations, boosters, and testing remain the best protections against serious illness and we urge those who have not yet been vaccinated or boosted to do so. It is important that students, faculty, and staff, who are most comfortable to continue wearing a mask, be supported in their decisions. Please respect the rules of the room as guided by the faculty/staff leading the session, meeting, or class. Some employees who themselves have certain health risks or who live with people at risk for severe COVID-19 may still need to, or choose to, wear masks. Faculty, staff, and students have the right to wear a mask in order to further protect themselves, their families and their communities. 

What do I do if a faculty, staff, or student refuses to wear a mask per my request in my office or classroom?

We recommend the following steps should you encounter a CalArtian in class or in a meeting who is not wearing a mask when asked to do so: 

  • Gently remind the CalArtian that a mask is requested in your space out of community respect; you may provide a new mask to the CalArtian if they do not have one (Student Health, Facilities, campus safety have spare masks available for distribution). 
  • If the CalArtian explains that they are unable or unwilling to wear a mask, ask the CalArtian for a side conversation with you. 
  • In the unlikely event that the CalArtian continues to be unwilling to wear a mask, request that the CalArtian leave the class or meeting. 
Policy Category:
Adopted Date:
Aug 2022